Councillor Newsletter - November 2021
Cllrs James McAsh, Victoria Olisa and Charlie Smith
This is one of our regular newsletters. They are posted online and emailed out to Labour Party members and anyone who signs up here.
New pedestrian crossing!
This project has been a long time coming! We've worked with parents at Heber and Harris schools to get a pedestrian crossing installed on Whateley Road. The route to school is now much safer for the little ones!
Zero tolerance on empty homes
Whilst Southwark Council is on track to meet its election promise of 2500 council homes built or on site by May 2022, there are still over 16,000 families on our housing wait list – a number which increases year on year. In contrast there are nearly 5,800 private sector empty homes in Southwark; an unacceptable waste. The council’s new Empty Homes Action Plan sets out how we will work hard to bring this number down and bring homes back into use for families in Southwark. The council will create a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) Fund to buy properties that are empty long term under compulsory purchase law. Southwark Council will also work with landlords to bring their properties back into use, through measures such as encouraging them to let their homes through the council’s social lettings agency to homeless families. The Plan includes a comprehensive section on lobbying the government for greater powers. Southwark currently charges empty properties the maximum amount of council tax possible on empty homes but is calling for this to be increased and applicable after a property is empty for over 6 months; the current law is after 2 years.
Green building fund launched
In line with the Council’s commitment to Carbon Neutrality by 2030, Southwark has launched a new ‘Green Buildings Fund’ to deliver key carbon reduction projects, such as retrofitting community buildings, schools and council housing. Money for the fund will be raised through a tax on housing developers who do not match Southwark Council’s carbon neutrality ambitions. Currently buildings in Southwark are responsible for 79% of carbon emissions in the borough, but the New Southwark Plan will require the reduction of emissions by 100% (on 2013 regulations) for residential developments and 40% for non-residential when it is approved. Developers who do not meet this requirement will then be obliged to pay into the Green Buildings Fund to help community organisations reduce their carbon emissions.
Expanding ‘The Nest’ mental health service
As you will be aware the growing mental health crisis amongst young people has been magnified by Covid-19, whilst schools and NHS services continue to be woefully underfunded. According to the NHS 17% of children are now suffering from poor mental health. On World Mental Health Day the council announced an expansion of The Nest, the free mental health drop in centre for children and young people which was launched last May.
Supporting busineses on North Cross Road!
Cllr James McAsh met Katie from local shop Mac and Miller, and Alice who runs a ceramics stall at the North Cross Road market. After a difficult few months, Saturdays are working well for the shops and market traders. But there's still plenty more to do!
Working with our local schools
James and Charlie visited Goose Green Primary School to see how they've spent the funding we gave them recently. They've replaced some rotting wood on some of the planters and play equipment. Pleased that we could help!
Thanks for supporting James’ marathon fundraiser
Thanks so much to the 93 people who donated £2670 to James’ fundraiser for Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers (SDCAS). This includes many local residents, Labour Party members and the Southwark Council branch of Unite the Union, who made a very generous donation. Thank you!