Councillor Newsletter - June 2021
Cllrs James McAsh, Victoria Olisa and Charlie Smith
This is one of our regular newsletters. They are posted online and emailed out to Labour Party members and anyone who signs up here.
Have your say on Dulwich Road changes!
Last summer, the government introduced plans to adapt our streets for social distancing. Like many others, Southwark Council responded with pavement-widening and partial closures of certain roads. The goal was to make things safer during covid, but also to improve our air quality, tackle the climate crisis and make it safer and more pleasant to walk and cycle.
The government's time frames forced the council to act quickly and make the changes as "experimental measures". It was not possible to consult. But Southwark is now consulting on the future of the schemes. You have until the 11th July to respond.
As your Labour councillors, we think the goals of the scheme are right. We're committed to cleaner air. We want to make it easier to cycle and walk. And we must tackle the climate emergency. But that doesn’t mean the schemes work perfectly. We want to hear from you so that we can push the council to make the changes we need. After the consultation we can keep the measures as they are, scrap them entirely, or make amendments. Our views will be shaped by the data on traffic and pollution, and on your responses. Please fill it in!
Covid-19 update
Like the rest of London we’ve sadly seen a steep increase in Covid-19 cases in the last week, partly due to the new Delta variant which has a higher potential for transmission. The first dose of the vaccine is also estimated to be only approximately 34% effective against the Delta variant, while two doses are 81% effective, so we’re doubling down on our efforts to make sure everyone in Southwark comes forward for their vaccine. We’re also encouraging residents to get tested twice a week, even if you have no symptoms. There are two rapid (lateral flow) testing centres in Southwark: at the council building on Bournemouth Road, Peckham, and at London Bridge station (St Thomas street entrance). You can also collect tests from local libraries or order tests to be delivered to your homes - tests are free and can be booked here.
A big thank you from Southwark Labour
The May elections were a big success story for Labour in Southwark. 51% of votes were cast for Sadiq Khan and our Labour Assembly Member, Marina Ahmad, received 49% of the vote.
Southwark was the only borough in London where Labour won the most votes in every single ward. In Goose Green we were humbled that the Labour Party received more votes than for the Conservatives, Green Party and Liberal Democrats combined. It’s great to receive this vote of confidence but we will continue to listen to you – whoever you voted for.
James, Victoria and Charlie met with local businesses and the Southwark Markets Team to discuss local businesses’s idea for a market at the end of Melbourne Grove
Let’s support our local businesses
This has been a difficult year for local businesses. Our data suggest that 70% of businesses lost over 75% of their revenue in the early months of the pandemic. The council has tried to help plug the gap, issuing over £12.5million in 1500 grants to businesses in the SE22 postcode, but we know that in many cases this has not been enough to make up for lost trade.
We held an online community meeting, bringing together businesses and residents, to discuss what to do next. We then brought the new Leader of Southwark Council, Kieron Williams, down to East Dulwich to meet some of our local traders. Our next step is to create forums or working groups for individual high streets so that everyone’s voice is heard as we make plans for the post-covid recovery.
The council has also just recently launched the £300k High Street Recovery Fund, which aims to give high streets and town centres a much-needed boost post-Covid-19. The fund is open to projects that will encourage shoppers and visitors and help SMEs thrive (in particular Black, Asian or Ethnic Minority owned businesses). Creative organisations, community groups, business networks and schools can apply for grants up to £25k, so please share far and wide.
The plans for council homes in Goose Green.
We’re building green new council homes
We’re pleased to say that despite Covid-19, under Southwark Labour the council is on track to have over 2,500 new council homes built or under construction by 2022. This is since the last local elections in 2018, where Southwark Labour promised to provide genuinely affordable and high quality homes for thousands of local people.
Planning permission has recently been approved for 49 new council homes on the Rennie Estate in Bermondsey and, in keeping with our commitment to carbon neutrality by 2030, the homes will have their heating and hot water supplied by air source heat pumps. This sustainable heating system absorbs heat from the outside air instead of burning fossil fuels, meaning less carbon emissions and lower costs for residents. In Goose Green, we have new homes on the way in Bassano Street. They’ve been slowed down by covid but we’re really looking forward to them being built.
Support, Don’t Deport
Southwark Labour have been angered by new changes to the Immigration Rules recently introduced by the Tories, which make rough sleeping grounds for deportation. This cruel policy means that people sleeping rough are discouraged from seeking help and support, for fear of being reported to the Home Office and deported. We are glad to say that Southwark Council will not be complying with the new rules and will not be referring those sleeping rough to the Home Office. Homeless Link have started the campaign ‘Support, Don’t Deport’ as a response to the new rules – you can find out more information about the campaign and how to get involved here.
Pride Month
Happy Pride Month from your Goose Green ward councillors! Unfortunately, a lot of the events which would normally be happening this month to celebrate Pride are unable to take place due to Covid-19, but we thought we would take the opportunity to update you on what the council is doing to support and celebrate our LGBT+ residents. We’re currently partnering with Stonewall Housing to support LGBT+ people facing homelessness, funding voluntary organisations such as Opening Doors London who work with LGBT+ people over 50, and delivering an exciting new LGBT+ cultural space as part of the new Bankside Yards development. Look out for the LGBT+ sections in all Southwark libraries, which also organise events and readings – and Southwark Heritage centre has an excellent LGBT+ archive, part of which you can access online.
We want EU to stay!
There’s not long left for EU citizens to apply to the EU settlement scheme which closes on the 30th June. Southwark will always welcome EU citizens to our borough and value the contributions they make to our communities; as a council we are determined to ensure every one of our EU residents continues to feel that Southwark is their home. Since 2019, the council has spent over £300,000 to help EU residents with the Brexit transition and has kept the EU flag flying at Tooley Street as a gesture of solidarity. If you or anyone you know needs help with the application you can come along to the council’s drop in Settlement Service, or email for assistance. As Labour councillors we will continue to make EU citizens feel as welcome as possible and call upon the Government to extend or scrap the deadline for applying for settled status.
Solidarity and support!
The Goose Green Solidarity Fund is still up and running, and in need of donations. The fund offers no-strings-attached funding to those in Goose Green who need financial support. Get in touch if you can donate to them, or if you need anything from them
‘The Goose Green Solidarity Fund has for many, including myself meant the difference between being cut off by a service provider such as Gas and being able to have a shower, being able to eat two meals a day rather than one, or none, being able to feed my brother rather than him going hungry.’
- Testimony from fund user